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Casa Galú : One with nature

20 - 05 - 2022 #TourismColombia

Casa Galú: One with nature

20 - 05 - 2022 #TourismColombia

Casa Galú: One with nature


At, we are not only known for being the leading agency in legal and immigration services for foreigners in Colombia. We are also known for being a caring and familiar company that is happy to know that we contribute to the dreams of foreigners. And when these dreams can come true because of our services, our greatest goal is fulfilled.

This was the case of Thomas and Charles; an American and a Colombian who developed a beautiful project of Casa Galú. boutique hotel on the Colombian Caribbean coast.

Here is where tranquility, eco-sustainability, adventure, comfort, and unforgettable experiences can be found in one place: Casa Galú, a hotel located in Capurganá, a municipality in the Department of Chocó, a small town characterized by its crystal-clear waters, dense jungle, and exciting nature adventures.

 This Caribbean landscape created and managed by Thomas and Charles intends to preserve the natural environment, and conserve natural resources to offer a more sustainable operation while providing a luxurious and meaningful experience for each guest.

Where it all started

This idea is a dream of a lifetime, it all started with Charles’ father who moved to Colombia in the ’70s and fell in love with this magnificent country, its landscapes, jungles, and coasts, and transmitted this same love for nature to Charles, who always accompanied him in his adventures in the deep jungles of Chocó.

 Upon his return to Colombia after studying Industrial Design in the United States, Charles started working on his dream in Capurganá and together with Thomas developed what today is a perfect balance between comfort, tranquility, and nature.

“Galú” means “sacred land” in the language of the native Kuna Yala people who inhabited the area. This terminology is very important to Casa Galú, as its vision is to build in harmony with the land, conserve its natural surroundings, and operate with minimal environmental impact.

 To this end, Thomas Kalchik, with a degree from the U.S.’s first School of Sustainability, joined Casa Galú with a true passion for introducing sustainable and regenerative practices into the business’s daily operations. His professional experience in both sustainable food chains and the hospitality industry allows him to integrate his skills to help the natural environment thrive while still providing a memorable and meaningful experience for each guest.

An eco-sustainable place

Charles designed each building to optimize the connection with the jungle and privilege the view toward the sea, all without disturbing nature. Each building is elevated off the ground and appears to be integrated into the topography. The main guest building and each cabin, therefore, project from the mountain through the jungle. The contact elements between the hillside and the building – such as the wooden decks – were molded to respect the existing terrain, and the main structure touches the ground with only pillars.


Now, what can the creators of Casa Galú tell us?

Thomas tells us a little about the development of this Caribbean paradise and his relationship with

How did the Casa Galú project come about?

Charles grew up visiting the deep, pristine jungles of Colombia. Since then, his dream developed to be surrounded by nature and share its beauty with others. I have a degree in Sustainability and worked professionally in hospitality, specifically focusing on sustainability initiatives within hotels. With this, our two dreams combined. His passion for conserving the pristine jungle, with my professional experience in sustainable tourism and hospitality aligned perfectly with Charles’ lifelong vision.

Why did you choose Colombia and Capurganá?

Charles is a native Colombian, and the Caribbean is such a spectacular coast with many untouched areas. Thomas became enthralled by the Colombian culture and its immensely diverse landscapes and biodiverse settings. Seeking to be located right on the sea with plenty of natural beauty all around, we settled on Capurganá.

There is a lot of potential in Capurganá and more incredible Colombia for increased awareness around sustainable development within tourism. This inspired our mission to conserve our natural surroundings and responsibly encourage our guests to experience this pristine nature. Capurganá has a lot of natural and cultural wealth to offer, and we look forward to learning from and interacting with these offerings. Casa Galú is excited to use our business and our land to make a positive impact on our natural surroundings and provide our guests with a meaningful and impactful experience at our hotel, and the destination as a whole.

Why should we go to Casa Galú?

Casa Galú offers unique accommodation unlike any other in Capurganá. Built harmoniously in the treetops overlooking the Caribbean Sea, we provide an unexpected level of luxury. We always strive to provide the top-notch service that each guest deserves, and we thrive on creating meaningful memories during your stay with us.

Casa Galú is your ‘home in the sacred land.’ Here you will find all the wildlife and greenery you could ask for! Monkeys, iguanas, toucans, dart frogs, and more. Endless amounts of plants, flowers, trees, etc. define the biodiverse Colombian jungle. Located on the quiet side of Capurganá, Casa Galú is just a few minute’s walks to local beaches, town, and nature hikes, and can offer suggested itineraries during your stay.

How did you hear about

Whenever I researched “how to get a Colombian visa”, Expatgroup always appeared. Whether it was linked through Medellín Guru or through its sources, Expatgroup always showed great promise in terms of getting the visa process completed correctly and quickly. And that’s exactly what they did for me!

How was the visa process?

Smooth; simple; they were very willing to work with us. I had many questions throughout the process, and they were very attentive and timely with their answers. I also had some additional services needed beyond just the visa and they saw me through that process with ease, going above and beyond what was expected of them.

Would you recommend legal and immigration services?

I absolutely recommend to anyone seeking the services they provide. They are a fantastic group of people that will help put you at ease during these tricky processes.

We know that with everything you read here you will be eager to visit Casa Galú, and enjoy this magical paradise, with relaxing experiences and in harmony with nature.

Just like Thomas, at expatgroup we have helped hundreds of expats to get their Colombian visas successfully processed and fulfill their dreams of living in Colombia, Contact us now and start living wonderful experiences.

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Book an appointment with our specialists and don't miss the opportunity to invest in Colombia.

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The five best businesses to invest in Colombia in 2022

20 - 05 - 2022 #InvestmentColombia

The five best businesses to invest in Colombia in 2022


Over time the country has excellent advantages for foreigners to consider investing in Colombia and doing business. Its strategic location allows the entry and exit of merchandise in the two oceans (Atlantic and Pacific), and its economic stability, workforce affordable, and tangible and intangible resources.

Additionally, other positive aspects are the easy procedures to start a business, the time, and the cost, not counting the favorable exchange rate for foreign investors.

For this reason, business experts “put their eyes on it” when it comes to investing in Colombia and doing business because they know that it is a country full of opportunities.

Now, within the different investment initiatives, expatgroup considers the five best businesses to invest in Colombia in 2022.

Food and Beverage Industry

The positive results generated by the food and beverage industry make this sector one of the most dynamic for doing business and investing in Colombia. The beverage industry in Colombia has a long history and has established itself as an essential sector that generates employment and taxes. According to ANDI, it contributes 0.8% to the national GDP and 7% to manufacturing.

Thus, investment options can be analyzed from small businesses such as cafes, typical food restaurants, fast food businesses, bakeries, and pastry shops; This type of business requires a minimum investment % and a quick return on investment.

Furthermore, it is also possible to invest in franchises whose commercial strategy is already indexed in the market and can ensure the arrival of fixed customers; This type of business requires a higher investment %, but with a fixed, fast, reliable degree of return.

Real Estate

Variations in the dollar exchange rate are favorable for foreigners interested in investing in Colombia through Real Estate. Although a high degree of investment is required, it is even more profitable today because you can buy a home with a price up to 30% lower than what was obtained a few years ago.

According to BBVA Research, real estate investment is expected to grow by 10.6% in the real estate market in Colombia by 2022, and this growth would be driven predominantly by the excellent behavior of low and medium-value housing, obtaining extraordinary profits in the medium and long term.

Expatgroup advises following the current models left by the pandemic, investing in spaces that facilitate remote work with options such as coworking, loft-type spaces, and eco-sustainable properties are some of the alternatives.

At expatgroup, we are experts in this type of investment, we have helped hundreds of foreigners not only helping them to invest calmly and intelligently in the country, but also, advising them in the creation of a company, guiding them to make the best investments according to their needs and expectations, and finally, facilitating the process to obtain the Colombia Investment Visa to enjoy a legal stay in Colombia.

Creative industries

The creative industries have been slow to reactivate, but they are recovering well and will grow more with investment promotion. Within the orange economy policy framework that involves investments from the cultural sector and Ministerio TIC, el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, and Bancóldex, the country has managed to mobilize $22 billion in the last two years.

Additionally, through the Social Investment Law, companies that are part of the orange economy areas (cultural, creative, and technology-based activities) will access the benefit of income exemption. This benefit means that entrepreneurs who promote creativity and generate employment for the country do not pay income tax for seven years.

The Creative and Content Industries contribute 3.3% to the National GDP and 5.8% contribution to the country’s economic development, so investing in this type of industry, such as film, publishing, photography, computer programs, architecture, and others, brings excellent tax benefits that translate into more significant and better profitability.


Our country is an essential source for developing this type of investment thanks to the potential of our mineral reserves since Colombia is the first producer of coal, the second in nickel, sixth in copper and gold, and is the double world exporter of emeralds.

In 2021, Colombia achieved a record gold production reaching 2.5 million an ounce, representing an increase of 66.6% compared to the 1.15 million ounces produced in 2020, a production that was not seen in the country for ten years.

Therefore, it is not surprising that, in the annual survey of mining companies of the Fraser Institute, Colombia has been located in the 29th place in the world ranking of attractive countries for mining investments.


According to the Doing business in Colombia 2021 report, the country’s software and IT services industry was a great investment attraction, obtaining an average growth of 3% between 2015 and 2019, reaching 229.1 million dollars, consolidating the country as a platform to reach different markets.

Among the investment opportunities in the technology sector in Colombia are:

  • Fintech
  • Blockchain
  • Ecommerce
  • Development of mobile applications, software, and digital content
  • Creation of software factories
  • Maintenance of software applications

To sum up

Colombia is a country that continues to grow. It not only offers foreigners a destination for rest or adventure, but our country also has an attractive offer in various sectors for investment.

Our country has different business ecosystems, the attractiveness of tax incentives, and continuous economic development. In addition, qualified companies can accompany expats to create companies or advise on investing in Colombia. This makes us wonder less why Colombia is a great destination to invest and do business.

Book an appointment with our specialists, and don’t miss the opportunity to make a successful investment in Colombia.

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Book an appointment with our specialists and don't miss the opportunity to invest in Colombia.

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